The Heritage sign outside the Daylesford Railway Station highlights the Avenue of Honour together with the efforts and sacrifices that so many local men and women made during and after World War One. The sign and surrounds have been upgraded by Daylesford Rotary volunteers at a recent working bee.
Daylesford Rotary President, Terri Oprean commented: “This sign was organised by Daylesford Rotary a decade ago, working with the Historical Society and other organisations. A number of Rosemary plants were planted around the sign structure. We would like to thank Daylesford Garden Supplies in Mink Street for donating and delivering the mulch. Also, thank you to Rotarian Lesley Hewitt together with Denise Purdey and Wendy Hogben who looked after the sign and Rosemary for several years.”
“Rosemary is an ancient symbol of fidelity and remembrance. The aromatic herb grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula in Türkiye, where the original Anzacs served in World War I. Australians traditionally wear sprigs of rosemary as a symbol of remembrance on Anzac Day or Remembrance Day.”
Terri added: “We encourage locals and visitors to have a look at this heritage sign and appreciate the efforts of locals during a terrible time of conflict. The sign is located just past the entry to the Railway Station coming from town. The text on the sign lists one hundred names of locals who went to support the war effort. A number of those never came back and some were injured physically and mentally.”

The Heritage sign and Rosemary plants adjacent to the Daylesford Railway Station.
In August 1918 the planting of 100 trees began in the Avenue of Honour from the Railway Station to the gates of Wombat Park. The second stage continued to Porcupine Ridge Road and the third stage added trees from East Street to the Cemetery with a total of 400 trees.”
“The vital roles of women are also recognised,” said Terri Oprean. “Red Cross Nurses went to the war front to render aid and local women raised funds and organised relief supplies through the CWA and other groups. Numerous women worked in factories, offices, and retail to support the war effort and also to look after local needs with so many of the men deployed overseas and in other roles.”

Rotarians Ron Brown and Danny Moynihan working on the improvements.
“Daylesford Rotary organised this important sign a decade ago and thirteen years ago we organised the memorial sign at the Lost Children’s Reserve, across from the Mill Markets, to commemorate the three children who went for a walk and perished in the bush. The Daylesford Men’s Shed and the Historical Society have been partners in both signs and Hepburn Shire Council has assisted with funding.”
“In the newly renovated garden area at the entry to Lake Daylesford is a third sign Daylesford Rotary organised four years ago to recognise the significant Chinese Heritage of the area. Former Rotarian, Ian Esmore played the key role in organising these three signs and we recognise his role and his passing last year.”
If you would like to know more about the Daylesford Rotary Club which is celebrating its 70th Anniversary as a volunteer group this year, contact Terri Oprean: opreanterri70@gmail.com or visit our website https://www.rotarydaylesford.org.au